Afternoon in Greenwich

Explore some of the history of England in these unique locations

Right next to Greenwich Park is the National Maritime Museum. It is free to get in and totally worth a look. You can learn about England’s history of trade with the rest of the world, explore a giant map, or see all of the different types of heads of ships. Don’t forget to go upstairs either where there is a room with a wall made up of stain glass making you feel like you are inside a renaissance church. Next to the museum is the Queen’s house which was unfortunately closed on the day I went but may be opening back up again soon. My final stop for the day was the Royal Observatory. To get there you walk through the entrance to the park and straight up the hill on a paved path. If you need to pause and take a break halfway up like I did, be sure to look out over the rail and snap a picture of the great aerial view of the park and museum. Once you make it to the top you will need to buy a ticket to get into the observatory, it is £9.50 but only £7.50 with student discount and completely free for children under 5. This ticket lets you into see the Meridian line, the giant telescope, and a few exhibits about the astronomers who did their research there and the technology they used. Right outside the telescope you get the best view in all of Greenwich, making it worth the ticket price. Once you are done exploring the observatory you can grab a cup of tea or coffee, I’d suggest Paul Rhodes, and explore the various shops around Greenwich before heading back on the tube.