Beijing Dumpling

Dough to Table in the Heart of Chinatown

The glowing lanterns caught my eye in spite of the rain. I pivoted and began down the glistening avenue. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine vendors flooded my peripheral. I wasn't here for my feet however. My stomach was in need of authentic far east cuisine.

I spotted and smelled Beijing Dumpling for good reason. The store window has a direct vantage point into the tiny restaurant. Dough and fillings fly in an opera of deliciousness. You certainly don't feel blocks from the Nickelodeon Store.

I ordered a sampler of seafood dumplings accompanied with the spicy crispy tofu. Watching my order go from dough to table was worth the admission price alone. Truly a far cry from buying wimpy potstickers before class at Itsu.

I paid my bill and crouched under the tiny door. The rain hit me. I was no longer in Beijing, but thankful for the small vacation.