Driving lessons with English people

Why do they drive on the left side of the road ?

As a tourist, the first thing you noticed in the United Kingdom is something very different from your country : cars are indeed being drove on the left side of the road.
Have you ever wonder why ?
Well, let me shed some light on that.

It all goes back from a very very long time, where princesses and knights were coabiting.
Knights would put their sword on their left side since most of them were right-handed.
As a result, they figured that the best way to cross each other on the road without any coalition between their respective weapon wouls be to use the left side of the path.

Now you're probably thinking "What about Australia ? They drive on the left side too and yet there weren't any knights back then !"
You're right, but the reason is simply because Australia was colonised in the 18th century by British people who apply their own rules.

Ever since, they drive on the left side of the road, and got us tourists pretty confused when we have to cross roads as pedestrians.
But being a pedestrian in London is honestly safer than being a driver when you've never ridden on the opposite side !