
Daytime shopping

You would hardly consider Kingston-Upon-Thames as a part of London, but it is. I will admit, I’m certainly not used to considering towns like Kingston as a part of London, as they hold themselves independently from anything else. It is for that very reason, however, that a visit to Kingston is a visit away – without leaving London. It’s cute and charming, and, with its large shopping centre in the middle of town, acts as a perfect getaway to do some shopping (with significantly reduced crowds compared to Oxford Street).

Go for the beautiful architecture, perhaps. Its winding streets feel both a little older than central London, and also a lot newer. Strange combination, no? I don’t quite know how to explain it. While central London is filled with old, grand buildings, Kingston has a colourful mix between old and new, but its structure as a contained town makes it feel separate from the hustle of the city and therefore enclosed in a little world all in its own.

Either way, if you’re looking for a day somewhere to do your shopping, I suggest Kingston. It’s charming, with its canal and narrow streets, and yet still holds a wide variety of stores and boutiques, from the big names to independent establishments.