
Films for under a fiver!

The cold nights in London can be harsh and miserable. When the rain is pouring and the wind is blowing you just cannot beat a good night out at the cinema, even when you're visiting the capital. However, as seems to be the way of the world at the moment, inflation has taken its toll and a simple night at the pictures with the family can clock up more than £50. Step forward PeckhamPlex, a simple multi-plex cinema in the heart of South London and a hidden gem where no ticket costs more than £4.99.

Whilst it’s not the most glamorous of cinemas that the capital has to offer, PeckhamPlex packs plenty of character. The walls are adorned with pink and purple paint and the toilets are clad in green and white marble – you get the sense that this was a high-end look in the 1980’s. The tickets aren’t the only thing that’s cheap, with a large popcorn being available for under a fiver as well as multiple deals for drinks and food being easily affordable. Despite it being a low-key affair, the cinema has all the new releases and blockbusters as well as committing the showing at least ‘one independent or art-house or foreign language film’ a week and for an extra £1 you can watch them all in 3D.

Located just off Rye Lane, PeckhamPlex is perfectly situated for all types of groups heading for a night at the pictures in London. With an array of excellent restaurants, bars and clubs available it’s the perfect place to begin a night but also to go to later on in the evening. It’s located in the same multi-storey car park as Franks Café and is easily accessible from Peckham Rye Station.

A regular haunt of national treasure, Olivia Colman PeckhamPlex is a great reminder of what a cinema can be when it goes independent and frees itself from the shackles of corporations. It may not be the most beautiful site, but with it’s charm and £4.99 tickets, who is really complaining?