What I wished I had known.........
Queue avoidance is easy
It's the end of my internship in London and I'm thinking there are some things that I wished had know before arriving in London, now what look very hard, complicated or mysterious about London is a child's game for me.
I will say these things in this journal to help every tourist, student or adventurer planning to stay in London.
With my tricks you will earn a lot of time and money.
First of all when you arrive in London the first things creating a problem and causing a lot of frustration are the transports, you are at the exit of the airport and you see a never ending and noisy queue to buy the tickets for the regular trains or the express.
This queue is a big lie!
You can avoid this queue paying directly with your contactless card to enter and use all the transport infrastructures of London.
I recommend you the regular train because it's only a 10 minutes difference with the express.
If you want to stay in London more than a few days, It's very important to buy an oyster card, because the transports of London are very expensive, and with the oyster you will save a lot of money.
If you are lost in London I recommend you to use apps, especially one named Citymaper.
If your phone is dead you can also use the tube, because the tube is easy to use and goes almost to everywhere in London, the staff is very nice and will always help you.
To use your phone in London, if your company is too expensive I recommend you to buy a SIM because contrary to the transports the seams without content are cheap.
If you plan to visit some attractions are aware because a lot of non national museums, attractions or restaurants need a book to enter in.
The national museums of London are surely some of the most impressive and beautiful museums of Europe, the entrance of this museum is totally free, it's also recommended to give a donation.
If you are tired of the tourists and want to visit authentic places, London is full of hidden gems, and very incredible places, this website is full of pages about incredible places and businesses, The poet, Samuel Johnson said "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life" London is a very Big and beautiful city and if you research a little about your trip plan you will never be bored in this city.