Raph's History Tips - The Gordon Riots
Six Bridges Walk Tips!
For the last few weeks, research has been done to prepare for a new project (The Six Bridges Walk); doing this work has led to the discovery of the Gordon Riots, which lasted for several days in 1780. Initially, it started as an orderly protest motivated by anti-Catholic sentiment. The protestants were against the Papists Act of 1778, and this was intended to reduce the discrimination against British Catholics by the Popery Act 1698.
Lord George Gordon, head of the Protestant Association, was not happy with the new Act. He proposes that this new law would enable Catholics to join the Army and potentially plot treason. This led to violent rioting and looting, a popular building that was looted was the Bank of England. After the British army was sent, the main violence lasted until the 9th of June 1780.
By doing the Six Bridges Walk, you will get to see the Blackfriars Bridge, the area around the crossing is where the riots happened! If you want to learn more click here.